Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Favorites

1. I have survived two weeks of high school with no noticeable injuries or qualms about going for another week.
2. I have also survived waking up at 5:00 in the morning for Drill practice three days this week. We'll see how I do next week. It might not be quite so fun.
3. I really love all my classes. Especially Drill and Drama. Even Math isn't so bad this year. I love my new teacher. It's her first year, and she's really young, and a great teacher.
4. I have proved my resourcefulness in creating outfits with nearly a moment's notice. Certainly a valuable skill to have.
5. I have survived walking home this week. That alone is accomplishment enough for the entire week.
6. I currently have straight A's, including a 109% in Math. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'll take it.
That's all.

1 comment:

Raquel A. said...

Hey, this is Raquel! I just realized you had a blog when I was stalking Miriam's blog. It's great, I love it! Oh and by the way, I have a blog to! You should go check it out:! :)