Saturday, August 18, 2012

Friday Favorites

1. My mother finally has "teeth." It's great, because now they're the right color. I can almost take her seriously. Almost.
2. I went to a party on Saturday. It was fabulous. We ate pizza, played something called Coup that I didn't entirely understand, but involved throwing sticks at wooden posts, played Apples to Apples, ate a bunch of candy, ate ice-cream sundaes, and watched 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' outside. It's actually quite funny, and if I ever post "What the cuss?" in something, don't ask.
3. Dance switched to 3:30 in the afternoon instead of waaay early in the morning. It was glorious. Except for the fact that yesterday, the fire alarm rang (the school was testing it) and we thought it was real and had to go out to the football field and practice there briefly. I almost got a piece of fake turf in my eye when I did a double turn.
4. It was the last free week before school starts again. I'm just glad that it was free. It was wonderful.
5. I am getting reeeeally excited for San Francisco. And I mean, really.
6. We don't have to have dance practice at 6:00 in the morning next week. Yessss!
7. I don't have to hear my mom nagging my little brother to wiggle his tooth anymore. And I do believe that we won the familial competition, which was Bud vs. my cousin. Double yessss!
8. This is a longer list than usual. I may be able to rack up some more items from my poor overworked brain, but we'll see. I should probably add the fine print, now.

*This list is subject to change at any time, in any way, shape, or form. Bear with me. There was really no point in this fine print. It's mainly here to look cool and official. Sorry for anyone with strained eyes.


Anonymous said...

Seriously? Way to go. Good Job. (not really)

Kate said...

Good job on what?