Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Quiz

So, this is the first Harry Potter quiz I'll post. It's a quiz to determine your house. You must, and I repeat, MUST, answer these questions honestly or the result will be faulty. Choose the most likely answer. Only ONE answer per question. Good luck! Remember to comment your answers like this:
1.) a
2.) c
and so on and so forth. Have fun!

1. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
a.) Brave
b.) Intelligent
c.) Hardworking
d.) Great

2. If an open treasure chest were filled with artifacts, which object would you choose?
a.) Dagger
b.) Inkwell
c.) Self-sweeping broom
d.) Glowing green jewel
e.) Small, rattling box emitting growling sounds
f.) Leather covered book
g.) Scroll filled with helpful tips
h.) Vial filled with unicorn's blood
i.) Treasure map
j.) Quill
k.) Housekey
l.) Moneybag

3. Which would  you choose: Cove or Meadow?
a.) Cove
b.) Meadow

4. In a game of chess, which color would you choose: Black or White?
a.) Black
b.) White

5. What is your worst fear?
a.) Nothing
b.) Darkness
c.) Fire
d.) Death
e.) Inferiority
f.) Fear
g.) Disaster
h.) Weakness

6. Your most likely adventure (in the future):
a.) Fighting a dragon and narrowly escaping death
b.) Using logic to successfully escape a tricky and frightening situation
c.) Finding a giant spider at home and heroically using an array of cleaning supplies to vanquish it
d.) Rising above and becoming the greatest wizard ever through a tough competition

7. Favorite Honeydukes candy:
a.) Floating sherbet balls
b.) Sugar quills
c.) Chocolate
d.) Acid pops

8. Quill of choice:
a.) Phoenix
b.) Peacock
c.) Speckled chicken
d.) Raven
e.) Parrot
f.) Eagle
g.) Canary
h.) Crow

9. What your friends say about you:
a.) Is brave, strong, and loyal
b.) Is intelligent, kind, and accomplished
c.) Is kind, hardworking, and faithful
d.) Is undeniably great, powerful, and envied

10. Favorite plant:
a.) Venomous Tentacula
b.) Honking daffodils
c.)  Flutterby bushes
d.) Devil's Snare

11. Ideal Quidditch position:
a.) Keeper
b.) Seeker or Chaser
c.) Spectator
d.) Beater

12. Favorite pet:
a.) Cat
b.) Owl
c.) Rat
d.) Toad

13. Favorite color:
a.) Red
b.) Blue
c.) Yellow
d.) Green


Miriam Castle said...

1. d
2. l
3. a
4. b
5. g
6. d
7. a
8. B!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. I hope they'd say b!
10. c
11. a
12. b
13. a
I tried my best :) some were really hard questions!

Kate said...

Oops! Made a mistake. I meant,
14. When faced with a dangerous enemy, would you:
a.) Stay and fight.
b.) Try to outwit the enemy.
c.) Run and hide.
d.) Insult the enemy until they are angry.