Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hello Again!

Yikes! I really haven't posted in a while. Life is wonderful, and totally changing. I am quitting ballet and just barely (as in literally 5 minutes ago) got the news that I was accepted onto the competition dance team of the high school I'll be attending this Fall. I am totally stoked! Shocked, as well, because I honestly did not expect that. Hopefully this means I'll have a little more time at my disposal after school. Yikes times two! That's a new concept. What will I do? I have a feeling I'll figure something out pretty quickly. Or at least my new teachers will. Homework alert! Oh, well. It was a stellar end to a stellar week. (Now I sound like my mom. She uses 'stellar' all the time. Heck, maybe I'll go the whole hog and start doing Friday Favorites too. Then again, maybe not.)


mk said...

I vote YES to Friday Favorites. And CONGRATS!!

Kate said...

Thanks, mk.

The Laundry Queen said...

Yay, Pen! We're super excited for you.