Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday Favorites (on Saturday)

Wow. First time of this and already I'm doing it a day late. This doesn't really start my future Friday Favorites blogging off on a good note. But hey, I was busy performing all night last night. I'm afraid this post might be slightly performance oriented, but here goes.

1. As I mentioned before, I have performed four times this week. Once, the previous Saturday for a ballet performance, and then the other three times I performed the school musical for several random audiences. I'm looking forward to another tonight.

2. I am officially done with ballet, at least for a year, as of Saturday.

3. I did not (thankfully, and somewhat surprisingly) mess up horribly last night at the evening performance.

4. I got to pass out programs and take tickets last night when the doors opened. It was really fun, and I got to wear my Bird Girl/showgirl headdress. I got a lot of little kids asking me if I was a bird, and then staring at me like I was about to explode when I said that I was. Somehow, I got the impression that they didn't believe me. Thankfully, my full costume convinced them.

5. I have not gone crazy yet. This sounds like a given, but, with 3:00-8:00 practices after school plus homework and no food can do that to a person. So, really, it's quite an accomplishment.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Kind of pathetic, actually, but it'll do for now.

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