Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hello? Anyone There?

I feel (not surprisingly) that I have a sudden lack of readers. I think I scared them all off. Also not surprising. Just allow me to say...

Ha. Now I can post whatever I want.

Friday Favorites (on Saturday)

Wow. First time of this and already I'm doing it a day late. This doesn't really start my future Friday Favorites blogging off on a good note. But hey, I was busy performing all night last night. I'm afraid this post might be slightly performance oriented, but here goes.

1. As I mentioned before, I have performed four times this week. Once, the previous Saturday for a ballet performance, and then the other three times I performed the school musical for several random audiences. I'm looking forward to another tonight.

2. I am officially done with ballet, at least for a year, as of Saturday.

3. I did not (thankfully, and somewhat surprisingly) mess up horribly last night at the evening performance.

4. I got to pass out programs and take tickets last night when the doors opened. It was really fun, and I got to wear my Bird Girl/showgirl headdress. I got a lot of little kids asking me if I was a bird, and then staring at me like I was about to explode when I said that I was. Somehow, I got the impression that they didn't believe me. Thankfully, my full costume convinced them.

5. I have not gone crazy yet. This sounds like a given, but, with 3:00-8:00 practices after school plus homework and no food can do that to a person. So, really, it's quite an accomplishment.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Kind of pathetic, actually, but it'll do for now.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Assorted Random Ramblings from the Past, Present, and Future...

So, um, yeah, my recent posts haven't had much detail in them. Allow me to elaborate. Right now, my family is partaking of one of the blissful joys of Spring Break: doing absolutely nothing. Believe me, it's wonderful to actually have over a week to do whatever I want, uninterrupted. Unless you count the impending loads of laundry. Blah. And they call my mom the "Laundry Queen." But aside from that, the days surrounding have been deliciously blank, boring, and bland. Quite a nice change. The things I am looking forward to include: an orthodontist appointment (yeesh), the restarting of school (double yeesh), and, once again, a buttload of homework (TRIPLE YEESH!). But anyway, as mentioned before in previous posts, I made my high school's dance team. Collected privileges of the undertaking of this opportunity include: a mercifully brief and dance-heavy summer program, halftime and assembly performances, participation in various competitions, including one in San Francisco! Just allow me to say, EEEEEEEEE!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Friday Favorites??????

Hi folks! I've decided to start posting on my blog again, after a hiatus of I don't really know (or want to know) how long. Let's just say it's probably a couple years. Anyway, to keep me motivated and my few remaining readers informed, I have been considering following in my mother's footsteps and doing Friday Favorites. I set up a poll (kind of a nifty little gadget really) on the side of my blog, so you can vote on what I should do. But hurry! You can only vote until April 20th!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hello Again!

Yikes! I really haven't posted in a while. Life is wonderful, and totally changing. I am quitting ballet and just barely (as in literally 5 minutes ago) got the news that I was accepted onto the competition dance team of the high school I'll be attending this Fall. I am totally stoked! Shocked, as well, because I honestly did not expect that. Hopefully this means I'll have a little more time at my disposal after school. Yikes times two! That's a new concept. What will I do? I have a feeling I'll figure something out pretty quickly. Or at least my new teachers will. Homework alert! Oh, well. It was a stellar end to a stellar week. (Now I sound like my mom. She uses 'stellar' all the time. Heck, maybe I'll go the whole hog and start doing Friday Favorites too. Then again, maybe not.)