Friday, October 5, 2012


Yes, I know it was several days ago. I'm an awful blogger. You can read my mom's account here. Now, time for mine.
I woke up and had no idea what to wear. Nada. You could hear the wind blowing between my ears. I found something eventually, though. I went upstairs to discover that the kitchen had been decorated in my honor. I got to school, on time, luckily. However, I was carrying a jacket, textbooks and things, and a project. I had my arms completely full. I went to Math. It wasn't so bad, except my lovely, considerate friend notified the entire class that it was my birthday. Luckily, they didn't sing, but only because they were so busy being horrified that I was only turning 14. The boys, mostly. I successfully escaped out of tune singing for one period. Then, I went to Biology, where I had a giant bug project due that day. I had a mild freakout. Then, my other friend alerted the whole class of my birthday. Lovely. Luckily, no one in there knew me enough to care, so no singing. Two down, two to go. I went to the next period, where I managed to convince my friends not to tell anyone. I needn't have worried, though. I happened to have a giant test that required complete silence. Three down, one to go. Oh, and lunch. When I got to lunch, I was pounced on by a bunch of well-meaning, excited friends in a celebratory mood. Everyone was there except one person, who emerged from the parking lot twenty minutes later singing 'Happy Birthday' very loudly. I didn't mind, though, because she brought me a giant chocolate Jamba Juice. It was delicious. Thankfully, I didn't have any friends in my last period, English. I did have a quiz, though. Ugh. But I survived with high honors. Then, I got home and had cake and ice-cream with family and opened presents. Read my mom's account to see what I got. I'm too lazy to type anymore. What can I say? It's Friday.

1 comment:

Miriam Castle said...

Happy Birthday...... from FOREVER ago! Soooo excited to transfer into your English class!