Saturday, September 22, 2012

Three Weeks Worth of Favorites


1. My family was in town. ALL of it. Yes, this was because my grandpa died unexpectedly, which is NOT a favorite at all, but it was still nice to be together.
2. I am well on my way with my bug project, in which I have to catch and pin 50 bugs. Ugh.
3. I performed at a football game and an assembly. Our performances were great.
4. Timpview's football team slaughtered Maple Mountain's, about 38-7. There's a pretty clear difference there. Also, as a warning to all of you, Maple Mountain boys are WEIRD. Seriously.
5. I have yet to die from every other day 6:00 (in the morning. Eek!) practices. This is an accomplishment.
6. I got a new pair of pants and a dress. They are super cute!
7. San Fran (I'm going to begin doing a countdown with each post) is in

18 days!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Well, So Much For That

Forgot to dish. I've had such an eventful couple weeks... But, I promise, on Friday, I will dish! Also, I'm going to add a weekly quote on to the quota. Huh. That sounds weird. But anyway, enough of me. Let's let Dr. Seuss speak.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" --Dr. Seuss

I love this quote, because it reminds me of what I often forget. I, in case you hadn't noticed, am painfully shy. Painfully. Thus, I have a lot of time, in the absence of a social life, to reminisce, and gaze in retrospect at my horde of faux pas. It's startling, humbling, and self-deprecating all in one. But what I need to focus on isn't "improving" myself into something I'm not, but concentrating myself into something even more intensely me. The people who truly are worth it won't care, and those who do care, well, screw them!

Sorry for my rambling and musing. And, shamefully, ranting. I apologize.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just a Clarification

Due to all that is happening this week, (which I will explain tomorrow) I will have to postpone my Friday Favorites until tomorrow. Then, I will dish. Stick around. We'll be right back.