Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday Favorites

  1. Last week I was able to attend dance camp Monday through Wednesday. It was totally exhausting, but super fun. I think I put in at least 38 1/2 hours of dance in just those three days of the week.
  2. After dance camp, we headed out the door for a dude ranch vacation. It was really fun, but I inherited a nickname that I'll never hear the end of. I'd post it, but then it would reveal my true identity, and we wouldn't want that, now would we? 
  3. When we got home after vacationing, about half of our extended relatives came to stay with us. Well, down the street, anyway. We got to spend a lot of time with them, and it was really fun.
  4. Yesterday my cousins and I embarked on a short expedition to a nearby reservoir, with a little river leading into it. There were some shallow waters for wading, and we all took our shoes off, rolled up our pants, and walked in. We stayed there for a couple hours. I had to give a couple of muddy kids piggy backs and rescue them from what the little kids dubbed as "quicksand" but what was really just soupy mud, but it was still really fun.
  5. Yesterday we also attended a picnic/potluck at a park, with our family and some old family friends. It was fun, except for the fact that I went home early and missed seeing Spiderman. My uncle ended up going with just my other cousin instead of with both of us, but oh, well. It was fun anyway.

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