Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Favorites

So, last week I kinda sorta accidentally forgot to do Friday Favorites. Oops. Oh, well, I'm doing them this week, and there's lots of stuff to put on the list.
1. School is officially over for summer. That one deserves a large hurrah, to be sure.
2. Yearbook day was yesterday, and everyone got their yearbooks. This doesn't really sound like a big deal, but I was on Yearbook Staff this year, and put a lot of time and effort into helping make the book.
3. Yesterday, I got as many signatures per class in my yearbook as I could. I'm really going to miss everyone, and my school. Even some of the seventh graders, though I hate to admit it.
4. Wednesday, all the 8th graders went to Lagoon. We got to stay there from about 9:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., and it was super fun. I hung out with my three besties, and we went on all the big and scary rides possible, as many as we could. They included Wicked, Samurai, this huge new roller coaster that was just added that I don't know the name of, etc. We wanted to go on the Rocket but we didn't have time.
5. While at Lagoon, I ate Arby's. This in itself is not shocking, but the fact that I didn't find a finger in my sandwich is. Google it if you are confused.
6. I learned how to make a campfire with a flint stone and knife while certifying for Girls' Camp. It took a while, but it was surprisingly easy.
7. I had five finals on Tuesday, and passed them all, three of the five with above 100% due to extra credit opportunities, and the other two with an A. I was freaking out, so it's a miracle I passed any of them, let alone all of them.
8. I am looking forward to going to the library today. That's always fun. Yippee!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Hi folks! Most of you probably didn't notice because of the nifty little gadget called Google Reader, but I recently gave my blog a makeover. So, anyway, feel free to comment with your opinion. Actually, that's strongly encouraged. And if you get sick of me, please let me know also and I'll 'make like a tree and leaf.' (Love that expression.) Sayonara for now!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Favorites III

Yeesh, the weeks go by so fast. One week just blurs into the next. Really, the past week has been surprisingly uneventful. However, I have managed to scrape together a handful of favorites.
1. We are done with End of Level Testing. (I'm actually not entirely sure if it is capitalized or not, but they're so intimidating they deserve capital letters.)Anyway, they're also called CRTs, and if I hadn't mentioned before, they're OVER. For reals. (Insert victory dance, courtesy of my brother, Big, here.)
2. My siblings, who have been extra annoying this week, are surprisingly not dead. Now that's an accomplishment. I think this is deserving of applause.
3. It was Big's birthday yesterday. The big 5. Quite an occasion.
4. I have so far managed not to fall over from exhaustion. Again, an astounding statement.
5. I have amazing friends who don't put grass in my hair (sometimes), don't squish my Goldfish crackers (most of the time), and put up with my craziness (all the time). Thanks, guys!
Like I said, it's only a handful, but hopefully there's more to come next week.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Favorites

Okay, so once again, I am posting my Friday Favorites, luckily on time, this time.
1. We performed our final Seussical performance on Monday, after another successful weekend of performance. My mom posted about our closing night. Click here and ignore the embarrassing/slightly snarky comments.
2. After our Saturday performance, we had a fabulous cast party, until reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally late at night. It was absolutely crazy, and extremely fun.
3. The morning following the aforementioned party, I got to go to work with my dad and see a amazing choir performance with all the behind the scenes jazz as well. Purty darn spiffy, if you ask me.
4. I got braces. Not exactly one to put on a "favorites" list, but last I checked, there wasn't a "at the moment I don't really like it but I'll be glad I had them someday" list in sight. My mom also posted about this as well. Click here if you aren't squeamish at the sight of extreme horror and metal detector upsetting ugliness. I have officially earned myself the nickname 'fence face.'
5. I am currently not (really) affected from getting braces and a minimal amount of sleep. So what else is new? (Actually, this is a miracle unto itself, if you ask me.)
6. Life is good. I am astounded I can say this, but somehow, I can. That's always a plus.
This is quite a pitiful list, (pathetic, really) but it will have to do. Signing off until next week! That is, as long as my brain, which currently is functioning as if it were the size of a walnut, remembers. Oh, well. Toodles!