Saturday, March 20, 2010


I had the best time at ballet on Thursday! For one thing, some girls from Level 7 (the highest level, in case you were wondering) were warming up for Hansel and Gretel rehearsals in our class, so Miss Demi made the combinations extra hard, and it was so fun! Plus, it felt like I was more challenged with those combinations, instead of our usual slow "Tendu, plie, tendu, tendu." Then, for another thing, once we got to rehearsals, we got to the end of the choreography, and Smiley (a friend), Gretel, and I get to push the witch into the "oven"!!!!! And then, after class, we got to try on our costumes! They were pink, sparkly, and completely gorgeous. And, might I add, they were comfortable, and I looked good! Not to mention the fact that I popped the big pointe shoe question to Miss Demi...... Here is how it went:
Me: (super excited) Miss Demi, when do you think I'll get pointe shoes?

Miss Demi: (looking thoughtful) Wellllll........ I haven't handed the pointe shoe evaluation out yet, but definitely in the summer.

Me: Wow!!!!!!!!!!

And so I went to tell Smiley and Patience (another friend, so called because she has been waiting for her pointe shoes for a long, long, long time). They were super excited for me, and Patience said that Miss Demi had said the same thing to her! Smiley had asked a while ago, and she had gotten the same answer, too. So it looks like the three of us will be going on pointe together. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bailey said...

What level are you on?

Kate said...

Sadly, Level 4. But soon I'll be higher.