Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Audition

I just auditioned for my ballet school's Nutcracker! Here's what happened: I went to the studio, where I got my number; 9. Then we did warm ups, but most people just ran around in excitement. Then we went into the other studio, where the judges were at a table, looking intense. We stood in rows according to number. First was the toy soldiers' piece. The person who was auditioning us gave us a piece of choreography to dance. We did it according to row. I danced my best. Then was a piece for only the boys. Next was another toy soldier piece with a complicated jump. I wasn't the best, but I certainly wasn't the worst, either. Then, finally, was the party girls. It was the longest and most complicated piece of all. But I tried....... and succeeded! I AM A PARTY GIRL!!!!!!! Just like I wanted to be.


The Laundry Queen said...

I'm glad you get to be a party girl, Pen! I can't wait to see you perform!

janeannechovy said...

Congratulations! I hope your mom manages to shoot some video. I'd love to see it.

Kate said...

Thank you, guys! The video camera will be there, so maybe you'll get the chance to see it.

Sappy said...

That is sooo awesome, Pen!!!!