They called small groups of 5 to go in and try out. I was 11th out of 35 (what a relief!). I talked nervously with my friends until I was called in. I spoke my loudest and clearest and pronounced properly (because when I'm nervous I sometimes use a lot of slang) and thought I did pretty good.
The next day I rushed right to the sheet of paper with the parts on it. I was a flower dancer (not what I wanted!) and they even spelled my last name wrong!
I was just talking about this with Newton today, because there was an open casting call for a movie in our neighborhood (we kept driving by and seeing the long lines). They were even looking for a boy just a little older than he is. He's not really interested, but I told him that acting is one of those things you have to REALLY want to do, because there's a whole heck of a lot of rejection involved, even if you're really good.
I'm sorry you didn't get the exact part your wanted, but you've got to start somewhere, right?
Excellent writing. I hope the next one goes better. It is a little hard sometimes to have to find out about what happened with your daughters audition by reading about it. I guess I need to be home more.
I love you Pen.
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