Monday, May 27, 2013

Summer Approaches



Monday Madness

So, it's Memorial Day Monday, and I just realized I haven't posted since Christmas.

It's nearly summer.
Depressing, eh?
But anyway, since my Monday is anything but mad as of yet, I thought I'd just post a few of the crazy things I love to spice it up a bit.

1.) Those little chocolate chips in the mint-chocolate chip frappuccinos. They always take me by surprise.*

2.) Spontaneous breakfast gatherings with friends.*

3.) Dan Howell.

4.) Oh, and Phil Lester.

5.) Finding cats in bookstores.*

6.) Climbing to anywhere high, really.*

7.) Crazy tattoos.

8.) Buildings that look like castles.*

8.) When those buildings are actually libraries on the inside.

9.) Instagramming pictures of my food.*

And there's even more food pictures too. Yikes.

10.) Black and white selfies.*

11.) Faded T-shirts.*

Okay, I'm done now. Hope I brightened up your blobby Monday.

Lyrics today:
So let me go. 
I don't want to be your hero.
I don't want to be a big man.
I just want to fight with everyone else..
*My picture. Boom, baby.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas was fairly routine this year. Woke up, ate breakfast (bran muffins and scrambled eggs), cleaned the house, waited FOREVER to open presents, walked in, and started with the presents, going in age order. I got, among other things, clothes, a few books, candy, a few necessary items, and an amoeba. Pretty awesome. But the highlight of everything was the best present ever... An iPhone 4! I was so excited! (Correction: AM so excited.) And stunned. I'd always heard that I could get an iPhone/Droid when I was out of the house... Looks like Santa had some different ideas.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


In a belated post, I'll tell about my fabulous, wonderful, delightful, spooky, chilly Halloween. If that sentence wasn't description enough for you.

So, first things first. I dressed up as Effie Trinket.

Admire my beautiful and ingenious costume, made up of things in my closet. It was completely cost free. My makeup was really much more detailed and dramatic, but the lighting washed it out. Picture heavy, dramatic cat eyeliner, pink and purple smoky eye, pale, flawlessly smooth skin, light pink flush, and a gorgeous bright fuchsia lipstick. Absolutely perfect. Thank you. It took ages.

I was running around making final preparations for my epic party all afternoon. Sadly, only three of the seven or eight people I invited could come, because all had plans or got grounded. My, how convenient. Oh, well. It was great anyway.


Once all of my friends had arrived, we decided to partake of the delicious array of food that awaited us.

Yes, I know that I'm stealing all these pictures from my mom's Halloween blog post. But what can I say? I didn't take any of my own.

After we had eaten, we confiscated the candy bowl so it was no longer available for public use, and went to play a rousing, and soon forgotten game of Apples to Apples. I was clearly winning when we got caught up talking and eating candy, and sat there for about an hour or so talking, laughing, and screeching at the top of our lungs. It was probably the sugar rush.

After this had happened, my friend Ry mentioned a haunted house just down the street that, despite having lived in this neighborhood for upwards of 8 years, I had no idea existed. We made the short trip there, and Ry and B made me and Ki go in first. (These are just quickie abbreviations of their names.) It was pretty cool. Everything was meant to be scary, but I'm not a person who gets scared easily. I talked to all the costumed people like they were real people I was asking for directions, didn't scream at all, and only jumped once when a body fell out of a coffin and Ki ran into a glow stick. She was scared out of her mind. After we came out, Ry and B questioned us about how scary it was, and I said not very. But then they asked if people jumped out at you, and I answered, "Kind of." They started running in the other direction.

After a brief pursuit, we stopped at Ry's house (she lives just down the street) and decided on a whim to pick up some plastic bags, use the restroom quickly, and go trick-or-treating. We stopped for a short meeting with some dance friends, who pointed us in the direction of king-sized candy bars. With chocolate on our minds, we headed out for a very short (15 minute) session of the good old-fashioned trick-or-treat. We got about 5 pieces of candy total, and spent the walk home making short work of it.

All in all, it was a great Halloween. My costume was my most creative and fabulous by far, and my party, though small, was really fun. I love Halloween!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Favorites

1. My dad's birthday was today. It was really fun.

2. Halloween was on Wednesday. It was reeeally fun. I'll do a separate post on it later.

3. Grades were finalized on Wednesday, and I got straight A's for the term. Yay, me.

4. It was the last week of every other day of early morning practice. Next week, it's every day. Wish me luck.

5. It was a good week, even though nothing happened.

Yes, this is a minute post, but hopefully I'll remember what happened and post about it later.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Okay, chillens. I'm going to be Effie Trinket for Halloween, and as we all know, she's always impeccably color coordinated. However, I'm just not sure which color I should coordinate. Pleeeeeease vote on the poll sandwiched between the picture of the lovely lady herself and the equally lovely Miss Taylor Swift in my sidebar so I can know which one would be the best. Pretty pleeeeeeease with a cherry on top? Thank you.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ghoulies and Ghosties and Long-legged Beasties







The most frightening holiday of the year is here, and I still have only a rough idea of what my costume is going to be. I think I'll be a Capitol citizen, but except for the makeup and hair, I'm still not entirely sure what to wear. Clueless? Sure. Unprepared? Maybe. In need of help? Yes. So, I am relying on you, my few faithful readers to tell me what the best clothes to wear would be while imitating a Capitol citizen. Please?
Pretty please?
Thank you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Elbert Hubbard

My new personal motto. Of course, it doesn't mean that I'll entirely screw up my life, but what I think it means is to learn to laugh at your failures, and not let them drag you down. Yay for inspirational quotes found on Google! They can change lives.

The Shades of Autumn






The most wonderful season of the year is here...

And I'm so excited.

The air's getting chilly...

The leaves are turning pretty colors...

The wind is ruffling the leaves in the trees...

Everything's clean, crisp, and gorgeous...

And one of the most wonderful holidays ever is nearly here.




Did I scare you?
