Saturday, August 22, 2009

:) :) :)

Well, the first week of school is over. I can't help wondering what the next will bring. Fatty school food, short recesses, even, possibly, (horrid thought) math tests? Well, whatever it brings, I hope I'm prepared for it.


The Laundry Queen said...

You'll do great whatever next week brings, Pen! You're smart and prepared. ; )

Ingra said...

The first thing I read on your profile was that you aren't that pretty. This coming from the most photogenic girl I see on facebook. It must be scary going to a new (or sort of new) school, but it looks like you're fitting it just fine. I'm an old friend of your moms with a 9 (almost 10) year old son that also likes to write. Your blog took me back to my childhood. Thanks. Ingra

wonderwoman1975 said...

I love your blog! I agree with Ingra - I have no idea why you think you're not pretty. I've always thought you were pretty ever since I knew you in Sugarhouse in the Forestview ward when you were. . . 4? Maybe you're comparing yourself to those silly blonde Utah girls? And as such, you don't *want* to associate yourself with the word "pretty" because those girls that do, are sometimes very vacuous, superficial and boring. By your blog I can immediately tell that you are interesting, creative, and extremely smart - and I'll take that over pretty any day! Instead, I'll say you're beautiful! Thanks for writing such a fun blog from your perspective.