Saturday, August 29, 2009


I was just at one of Bud's soccer games. He hasn't scored yet, so my mom said for every goal he scored, he would get a Hotwheels. That motivated him. Sadly, there were only two minutes left, otherwise he would have had a whole car case full. Oh, well.

Monday, August 24, 2009

School, Again

At school today it wasn't the first week anymore, so we got right to business. It was still fun, but in a different way. The first thing we did was write, then read. And after that, (fun, fun, fun) was Treasures. Then was a much deserved (in my opinion) recess break, then lunch, then, after a little lecture, was the highlight of my day. Math. It was actually really fun. The advanced math class is usually that way. I hope it is tomorrow.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

:) :) :)

Well, the first week of school is over. I can't help wondering what the next will bring. Fatty school food, short recesses, even, possibly, (horrid thought) math tests? Well, whatever it brings, I hope I'm prepared for it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School

The first day of school was awesome! When I walked into the classroom my stomach lurched and I felt like it was the worst day of my life. Well, I learned otherwise. There were directions on the board that said to put our school supplies in our desks, fill out a paper with questions, and then read. After we were finished, the teacher walked into the classroom and started us on get-to-know-you games. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch. My teacher asked who would like to be on lunch duty, which means you help the lunch ladies wash trays and serve and things. I volunteered and six other people and I walked to the lunch room. We put on aprons and headpieces and got to work. I got the exciting job of stacking trays after they had been washed, four stacks a shelf and fifteen trays a stack. After lunch was over, we had recess and I made a lot of new friends. Then it was math time and then time to go home. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


School starts in a tomorrow and I'm nervous. I've been to this school before, but its changed a lot. People have moved in, people have moved out, and it'll be nerve wracking to try and fit in when people hardly remember me and already have little groups that they don't want to let anyone else into. But I'll try my best.

Just Visiting

Sorry I haven't been posting for a while, folks. I've been really busy. We've been packing, packing, packing. For vacations, moving, etc. Anyway, we moved to Provo. Our grandparents are going on a mission to Armenia, (which is far, far away, so far that it's almost too far to think about) and they need us to take care of their house while they're gone. (which is a year and a half.) It's been pretty exciting so far, partly because you can ride your bike anywhere, but I can't help but feel like I'm just here for a very long visit. It's weird!