Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hansel and Gretel

Well, this weekend I was a cotton-candy in Hansel and Gretel. We've been rehearsing for weeks, months even, so it feels strange to have that all done. It went well for the most part. The dressing room got kinda crowded, though. It took forever to get my makeup and hair done, and even more time to get it off. The costumes were super cute. They were all pink and sparkly and pretty. We got to carry these bunches of cotton on sticks with pink ribbons tied around the stick, and it looked a lot like real cotton-candy. The only problem was, people kept pretending to eat them. It was funny at first, but then it started to get annoying. The stage lights were really bright and hot! Standing next to them in the wings was like landing on the sun. I can't wait for the next performance!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Recent Events

Well, what do you know. We just got locked out of our own house. My grandparents are away in California, so they took the key with them, and we don't have a key ourselves, and the garage door got locked, so we were completely locked out. Good thing my little brother Big leaves the window open slightly sometimes, so we were able to break in, with the help of a screwdriver and my dad. We sent Bud through the window, and he unlocked the door. Oh, and I also got a haircut! I now have side bangs and layers. I'll post a picture soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, today we went to the river to see what the beavers had done (a.k.a. made dams). It wasn't very much of a drive, just 10 minutes or so, so we were there in no time. To get to the part of the river where the beavers were, we had to walk through a thicket of sticks that some beavers had gnawed on. We got to the water and saw some logs that the beavers chewed up. We didn't expect to see beavers, but then my dad spotted two! They fought for a second over who would investigate us, and then one swam off and the other swam slowly towards us. We could see the water glistening off it's thick, coarse brown fur. It got within a 10-foot range before diving under!